BigWave Asset Management can be leveraged to track assets in warehouses, other company locations, and customer locations.

  • Know What Assets You Own (Photos, Videos and History)
  • Know Where Your Assets Are Located
  • Know What Condition Your Assets Are In (Photo and Video)
  • Store All Asset Data In One View
  • Enable Your customers To Login And View Their Assets
  • Data Integrity
  • System Configuration For Compliance Purposes
  • Save Time
  • Save Money

Any type of asset may be defined and stored in BigWave. An Asset Type enables the definition of a class of assets you want to store. For example, we might have a customer with 1,000 Pin Pad devices that must be tracked. In BigWave a Pin Pad would be an Asset Type and each installed Pin Pad would represent an individual asset (so 1,000 of them). Each Asset in BigWave is required to have a location. Locations can be either a Site or Warehouse.

That same customer might have provided a spreadsheet that details all of these Pin Pad assets. Using the spreadsheet provided, you can import the entire list of assets in a single operation including custom field information and specifying locations.

Assets may also be auto-scheduled for maintenance. Additionally your customers can login and view their assets managed by your company.