BigWave, founded in 2005, creates service management software that schedules and tracks service, deployments, and maintenance for IT assets in the retail space.  Does your business fall into this category? Read on to learn more about BigWave’s solution directly addresses your unique operational needs!

BigWave is focused on enabling your team to easily assign, schedule, and collect deliverables for a technician site visit.  This could be a service call to fix a wireless router, or part of a larger rollout to install new point of sale. 

And, not only is BigWave great for your service work to all your customer’s locations, it also contains baked in functionality to track rollouts. 

Rollouts are high velocity projects to install equipment or technology across hundreds of retail locations over a relatively short period of time. BigWave explicitly addressed these types of projects, so your delivery teams can ditch the (commonly used) community spreadsheet. Community spreadsheets lead to unnecessary delays, mistakes, inaccuracies, and ultimately costs all involved a lot of extra time and money.

BigWave enables a team to quickly generate work orders for each site in the rollout. It features a tight integration with Excel allowing the team to import/export data with ease.  Amongst other things, it enables the team to schedule technicians, configure alerts, upload deliverables, and track extensive custom field data.  And, the best thing, is the information is shared across the organization eliminating meetings and providing immediate status.

Unique in the work order management space, BigWave enables your organization to segment delivery teams by retail account and empower each team to tailor their delivery process according to each account’s needs.  Unlike your ERP system, this is with no programming required.

BigWave powers communications and collaboration between internal, customer, and partner delivery teams. It makes customers “sticky” due to the superior customer service capability that BigWave unlocks.  Additionally, you can leverage our API to have your customers create new work orders automatically.  Tightly integrate your accounting system or other systems by pulling all needed data from our API.

BigWave focuses on creating great software and providing superior customer support to help those in the retail IT service industry. Any organization that provides service for hundreds of locations across a geographic area benefit from the features and functionality BigWave provides.

If this sounds like a product your organization can leverage, we would love to show you a personalized demo of how it works and the benefits it provides! Email us at [email protected] to schedule your demo today!